On our Third day in West Virginia as volunteers, like every other day before we went back to Oak Hill where we continued to help out with the clean, organizing and building within the facility. This day I and some of my fellow volunteers helped out in the room that we cleaned out the first day. We had to cut out many squares of foam for the gymnasium in order to help out with the acoustics in it, which are extremely bad because it is incredibly hard to hear anything in it. Sara would cut the fabric to put over the boards while Eileen put the fabric over the foam. After we did this for a little while we went to the back of the building where there was a truck carrying many objects that were in need to be carried to the basement. Today I was able to help out a lot more then I was the previous day because I actually remembered to take my inhaler and was able to actually help carry heavy object, which made me feel much more useful. We also continued to learn more about the other workers who were also there to help out at Oak Hill, during our lunch breaks we would continue to chat, tell stories and listen to jokes. I really liked our times at lunch because we were given the opportunity to talk to everyone and to get to understand them and their backgrounds which was really interesting because we were able to find more and more similarities as well as differences. After we were done at Oak Hill for the day we went back to Beards Fork to hang out with the children again in SALS. I had a lot of fun hanging out with them this night especially because I was able to play with them even more. This night in particular we played UNO with some of the kids; however it was a different game of UNO rather than the usual game. This time it was with a small robot that would tell you what to do during certain parts of the game, whether it was to trade cards with someone, give someone a nick name, or to race with someone. It was a lot of fun and I believe the kids really enjoyed it as well, of course, but it was a lot of fun to be able to play with them and share the enjoyment of playing a game together. After playing with the kids we went back to our own place and began to make dinner, which we decided would be pizza that we would make from scratch. It was a lot of fun because we made many different kinds on about four whole pizzas yet we put them together to make two. The different kinds we made were pepperoni, cheese, non cheese/veggie, veggie, and taco, taco turned out to be my favorite it was so delicious I wish we would have made more. While eating our pizza we had great conversation with each other about many topics like religion, and fate and many other topics that I found to be very interesting.
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