Monday, January 21, 2013

Lizzy- Freedom House- Day Six

Our last day we had a talent show at Freedom House. It was pushed back an hour than we had originally planned, but a group of us danced until we were forced to begin. The impromptu dance party was especially wonderful simply because it was unplanned—we just all wanted to be there.

The talent show had everything from magic, to skits, to dance, to singing and lasted over two hours.
Our group from Kansas ended the show with our Alma Mater and the Rock Chalk Chant. They were
especially enamored with the chant, and joked that they would have to remember how to do it for when
March Madness begins.

The residents had another class for a couple hours, which gave us time to pack and stop by Detroit’s
History Museum, where we met Elizabeth, Aaron, and others from Summer in the City. It was our last
opportunity to say goodbye and thank you to many of our hosts, and the learning more about the city
we had come to love’s history was an appropriate way to end our week. The history museum left us
feeling optimistic about Detroit’s future, and I can’t wait to visit it again when it’s back to its full glory.

After our last dinner at Freedom House, I played chess with another one of my closest friends from the
house Z. and one of his friends mentored my strategy. Z. was originally a journalist in the Middle East, so (after asking if he felt comfortable talking about his past) I asked if it was possible if he knew my cousin, who also was a journalist in the Middle East for a couple years. Though the short answer would have been “no,” Z. told me stories about all of his different jobs for well over an hour. I was shocked by his willingness to divulge details, but I felt like his actions were a testament to the trust we had received from the residents.

Goodbyes were as emotional and sentimental as I had expected, but we by the time we had reached our
house three miles away, I had already received two emails from residents. They were clearly thankful for the work we had done, and we are all looking forward to keeping in touch.

I can’t believe we had only been there a week. Z., A., S., C., and so many more became important parts
of my life, and the girls I shared this experience have all of my respect. This experience could not have
been better.

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