Today we worked in the maintenance area of the United Cerebral Palsy foundation. There we worked with two men named Ken and Ancel. They worked there and they were extremely nice. They were so thankful to have us for even for the small amount of time we were there. We started off by putting together cardboard boxes, which were later used to organize everything. Then we organized their garage. We took off everything on put it in a more organized fashion. They had a trailer outside their shop, which was full of extra supplies for Hand in Hand, which is the children’s program. The trailer was also packed with junk that they wanted us to go through and then through in the back of Ken’s truck. The stuff thrown in his truck was considered trash and we had to make two trips to the LINC Point trash area. These items were all miscellaneous and taking up miscellaneous space in the maintenance shop. We threw away old pictures of members at UCP as well as posters, large cardboard checks that were given to UCP. Like I said before these were all taking up a lot of space that could be used for more important things. I felt weird throwing away those enlarged photographs because some of the people in them I had met. I felt like we should have called their parents at least to see if they had an interest in keeping them.
Towards the end of the day, we spent time counting out parts to Ken and Ancel’s shop and trailer to see what they needed more of so they could order them. It was kind of tedious but all that matters is that we were helping in some way. It was kind of a boring day just because we were not actually working hands on with the participants o
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