Monday, March 25, 2013

Neal- Guidance Center- Day Two

On the second day, we got to work at a head start center which is like a pre-school for poverty stricken children in a suburb of Detroit called Southgate. Our first task of the day was to clean out and organize a storage room. When, we got there the whole place was a completely unorganized mess. We had to move several filling cabinets and assorted boxes across the building. We had to throw out all the stuff that was damaged, like broken printers, and damaged shelves. After our group of seven spent about four hours on it, we made an unorganized cluttered storage room become clean and functional. While we were working, I noticed the kids walking single-filed throughout the building, they were amazed by the sight of older people moving large cabinets. In the second half of the day, we were responsible to set up a clifford's 50th anniversary literacy event that gave out books to poverty stricken children. I took up the task of setting up the  sound system, while I was setting it up I was able to play with the children. After I set it up, I asked the coordinator for the event, Emily, if I can read during the event. I was told no because another organization had priority because they paid for the books. I was told I can read when we do the same event on thursday. During the event, I ran a bean bag toss. It was great to see kids get so excited over the simple act of throwing a bag into a hole. It seemed like that little event made their day as they jumped and danced around the room off of such a simple act. Seeing someone get that happy definitely made my day. After the event, we were finishing cleaning up and one of the ladies that monitored the playroom told us that we did a great job and that Jesus would reward us in the afterlife. I slightly was hesitant at that statement because I think the real reward of doing volunteering work is in the present from knowing that I enabled the children to have a positive and enriching experience.

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