Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 2: Marva and Anne, my heroes

Memphis, Tennessee: Day Two-Woke up early today and met the most friendly gardener in the entire world Anne. Anne works with a church, St. Patrick's, and helps run a community ran garden. People maintain it throughout the year, but it needs a kick start at the beginning of the spring weather. So we were put to the task, Memphis team shoveled, pulled weeds, lawn mowed, tilled, dumped dirt, et cetera. A long day in the sun can be especially rewarding. And yes I got tan--winning. 
     We also got to work with a local, Marva. She lives in the neighborhood with two children and frequently helps with the garden with Anne. She was so nice and full of wisdom that I could only wish to ever had. Once I told her about me being a political science major, she told me of the days when she lobbied for a women rights group and how she interpreted the political system. She gave me some advice that I have never thought about completely. She helped us do everything, and it was great to actually get the chance to work with someone straight from the Memphis area. I hope we get to work with more people that I have such experiences like Marva.
   Yes, the day was a long one, but it was more than worth it. I have learned that gardening is not our purpose, but rather to give back to the community. These gardens are supplying the neighborhood with a food supply straight from nature. Communities need to know where their food comes from, and GrowMemphis is a great program in which supplies this ideology. I'm proud to be a part of such an opportunity. Environmental action is important for the community in order to promote the connection with the nature. Plus, the other day we learned about the city wanting to take down the local greenhouse. Social action is important for the sake of the community. 

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