Wahhh.... NOT wanting to leave at all and go back to reality. We woke up this morning at 8:30 to finish packing and get everything in the car. I do not know how but for some reason it felt like we were headed back to Lawrence with so much more stuff then we came with. We are all looking like Zombies due to the fact that we all stayed up till 2:00 in the morning just talking by our campfire about anything and everything. This has honestly been one of the best weeks of my life and I am so happy I got to experience the Alternative Break I did. I feel so very close to my group, and I think it's because I have never been 100% honest with people that I meet at first. However, the friends I have made on this trip I find the best qualities in... honesty. One thing I hope for the most is that people don't forget about Joplin. They have already seen a decrease in volunteers, but they need those volunteers to keep moving on and get back to a normal lifestyle. One man said even in 5 years he thinks it still won't be completely normal. It's been approximately 10 months and 75% of the city has been rebuilt, they need the support of everyone to help with the remaining 25%.
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