Today’s job was to clean cages. We had to rake up the wet hay from the bird, goat, duck, and pig enclosures and fill it with dry hay. It was so much fun with the pigs nibbling at our jeans and the goats jumping on us. We also got a chance to put food and water in the duck cage. They would nibble at the seeds and were so quick at eating. It was a cool sight to see. We also cleaned opossum and squirrel cages. It was so sad to see that one of the squirrels had a neurological problem and it was blind. It could barely walk and it would just roll and hit its cage. Another assignment that I had that day was to go with Ashley to Boerne. They gave Ashley the keys to the truck and we were to pick up produce from H.E.B., Wal-Mart, and to go to the bank for a deposit. Jessica, the volunteer coordinator, gave us directions, but they were actually wrong. It had one too many locations and it told us to go in the wrong direction. We actually somehow ended up on the interstate and had to ask for directions at a gas station. Eventually we found our way. H.E.B. didn’t have any produce, which was surprising because we heard they were the main providers for the Wildlife Rescue food, but Wal-Mart gave us a little bit. One of the funny experiences I had today was that a vulture bit me. I was just giving a string of hay and it bit my finger. It was funny, but it really did hurt.
After volunteering, we stayed at the Riley’s home again. The water in the river at the campgrounds still looked very high and the ground was still very wet. They actually wanted us to stay another night. So, we went to their house and went on a walk in their neighborhood. Jason, Charleen, and Shannon all went for a run, but my body would not be able to make it. So, I went on a walk with Katie, Zhi, and Ashley. When we came back, we got to get in their Jacuzzi and pool. It felt so nice! Then, we learned that George didn’t know how to swim so we tried to teach him how to. He kept saying, “I’m drowning!” which made the experience so much better. It was a great time. When we were done swimming, we came in to eat spaghetti and garlic bread that Kayla and Charleen prepared. It was absolutely delicious. I had at least two plates. To top off the night, we cooked s’mores over the stove with the family. It was such a fun night and again, I’m so thankful for the Riley’s for welcoming us into their home.
My overall thought of the day: Animals can be helpless at times. For example, the squirrel had brain and eye problems. Animals that are sick, endangered, or hurt need our help. Also, people surprise me every day. There are still so many nice people in the world.
Throughout the night, the storm had some crazy thunder and lightning, but I was so tired from a combination of the lack of sleep from the previous two nights along with the long days at work volunteering doing manual labor that I slept right through it. I woke up feeling amazing and refreshed and ready to start the day. The day started off by having to go into some of the cages that had pigs and goats and ducks and replace all the wet hay from the storm with fresh, dry hay that George and I had to carry from one end of the center to the other. Going into the pigs’ and ducks’ cages were amazing because although we technically weren’t allowed to say it, they were so cute. The pigs oinked in such a cute way and the goats were friendly and just wanted to be played with. Once the hay had been replaced, Ashley and Sean went on a delivery while I had to go back to the usual duty of laundry duty. After about an hour of laundry, a new job arose. Dish duty. Although Shannon and Katie had to wash many dishes, Zhi, George and I had to wash out all of the buckets that had been used to hold the animals’ food, including the raw meats for the carnivores. The bucket duty was fun the first day because we got to be outside, but it soon became annoying because of the sheer amount of buckets that needed to be washed and the amount of time each bucket required to be cleaned.
ReplyDeleteAfter the volunteering day was over, we stayed one last night at the Riley house. Mrs. Riley, Shannon and I went on a run through the neighborhood while the rest of the gang went for a walk. Soon after going on the run, I realized how in poor shape I was and was only too willing to maintain the same pace as her, and at some times, fall behind her while Shannon kept on running. We went swimming in their pool and relaxed our tired and aching muscles in their jacuzi afterword. George hadn’t ever learned bhow to swim, so trying to teach him how to swim was hilarious. As the night progressed, Kayla and I stayed up late talking and I realized how much I would miss the comfy couch that I slept on and the comforts of being able to shower without bugs swarming everywhere. But I was also eager to return to camping because I have always loved camping.