Memphis, Tennessee: Day 4- Today, we got a later start than usual, and had the minor inconvenience of rain. But once, we got going in our brand new expedition to replace our wrecked van. We headed to a little community of Getwell / New Willow, and we met up with Alberta. She was a cute, little local whom ran the church's volunteering and was super cool. But she scared the crap out of us when we pulled up to, not one, but two gardens that were not even faintly reminiscent of any gardens that we have seen thus yet. We started out with a field of trash, weeds as tall as myself, et cetera. It was scarier considering we had all this work to do, and we only had a couple hours. Snakes were found in nests upon nests. Snakes = scary. I picked one up, but was it enjoyable I would say definitely not. A local man also helped us out with weeding the area out. Without his help, it would have taken an enormous amount of time.

After we weeded that area, we went to a park for lunch, and then we came back to the second garden, where we were tasked simply to clear the area of trash and a paint a sign. We painted the sign out of scratch for this garden that Alberta planned to make for the children in the community. She seemed determined to make the area family-friendly, and appropriate for such a community. Her smile can make that possible with some direction. She has a great heart, and she is very hardworking.

After painting the sign, we came back to our church and got a tour of the bell tower, going up more than 700 steps to reach the roof. We also met a man who played the carillon there. He played beautifully. We went with the alumni that we met up with for the game the previous week, and one of them played the KU Alma Mater for us on the carillon. After that, we spent another night at Bale Street, and now we are currently getting ready to go to The Hunger Games midnight premiere. I'm pumped. But I am very sadden by the reality that tomorrow is the last day to garden at Memphis. I will ponder this more tomorrow....sadly :( Moving on
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