Thursday, January 17, 2013

Eyad- Atlanta- Day Three


We began developing a ritual here at the church. Everyone wakes up and has breakfast together. We don’t really talk much in the morning because people are still sleep walking. That’s where Starbucks kicks in but it’s usually just one person who gets it but I guess that suffices to make the whole group energetic.Driving to the center consists of everybody looking out the windows and just absorbing the new environment. It has been two days in a row where we have seen a man walk in front of the Federal Reserve building with a giant suitcase on his head. This might have been a coincidence but I don’t think so. It was raining most of the day.
We Arrived at the center and prepared the kitchen for cooking. We made spaghetti and meat balls with a side of veggies. I was responsible for the dishes and got to assist man named mike. Mike had a background of drug addiction since the age of 13 and use to be a crack, meth, and cocaine addict. He told me it was because his dad was an alcoholic and his mother was a drug addict as well. Unfortunately they passed away from cancer and now he is caring for his second wife who has cancer and a brain tumor. He told me that when his parents passed away he was forced to move out of that environment and once meeting new people he became aware of his responsibilities and began taking affirmative action to change for the better. He was one of the nicest souls I've talked to on the trip and had a real sweet soul.

After working at the cafe we went downtown had lunch and visited the Aquarium which was very exciting and a thrilling experience for all of us. We got to see many aquatic species including Beluga whales, penguins, Jelly Fish, frogs, sea dragons, and manta rays to name a few. Witnessing all the different species at the aquarium instilled a sense of connection and unity with the universe that was very strong and humbling. I couldn’t ever fathom how they all came about to be.
After the Aquarium we hung around until it was time to go to dinner. We ate at Mark and Harry's house that used to be partners but decided a friendship would be best for their relationship. They treated us to wonderful dinner and southern delicacies such as sweet Georgia Peach tea, corn bread, and banana cream pie. The dinner was pasta and a special poppy seed chicken which was delicious.
Harry was funny because he spent the entire time talking about his love for his cats and went through a detailed history of how he named each of them and how cats are friends with possums because he has possums come over and hangout with his cats. If anyone is the biggest cat lover in the world its Harry. He also shared the fact that possums have a sweet tooth because they wouldn’t eat the food he left out for them until he added sugar to it. After dinner we went to the YMCA to shower and went back to the church to reflect over our day. It has been a very unique experience so far and I’m very grateful to gain new perspective on life from it.

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