Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kelcy- GKTW- Day Two

            It is only the second day, and I already feel a part of the Give Kids the World family.  The selected staff may be small, but their hearts are huge.  Everyone that I have had the pleasure to work with has asked questions about my home, my major, and my interests.  They are happy to show us behind the scenes and teach us even more about the village’s history. Bill, the man of the Gingerbread House, treated us to York Peppermint Pattie ice cream bars! And Roy Rodgers (yes, that’s his real name; I checked his ID) promised to bake us his famous “Redneck Eggrolls.”  I am so happy that we are developing relationships with the staff and making lasting memories.  The volunteers are greatly appreciated, and it feels great to be constantly thanked.  I have heard from several people that “none of this would be possible without the volunteers.”  In order to keep costs down, GKTW only hires 150 workers and the rest are entirely volunteers.  They fill 1,500 volunteer shifts a week and acquire a total of 5,000 volunteers a year!
Give Kids the World possesses such a strong sense of community.  Not only is the village’s staff welcoming, but also the organization invites the local community to contribute to their cause.  As we toured a showcase villa, Janet revealed to us that 99.9% of the money raised goes directly toward the children! All of the home décor is even donated from businesses.  Give Kids the World also attends an annual sale of amusement park equipment and asks permission to take the left over merchandise. Many of the benches, statues, and signs seen in the village are a result of this event.  So many companies work in collaboration with Give Kids the World to help advance the already wonderful grounds.
Tonight was Mayor Clayton’s surprise birthday party! As a present to the overly sized bunny HTC, the cellular company, presented a donation for $50,000! Seeing the shock on the kids’ faces was precious as they scrambled onto the stage to take a group picture with Mayor Clayton and his giant check.  To celebrate Clayton’s 34th birthday Raeanne and I ran a “pucker powder” stand; the kids flocked to us. I wish I could say it was because of my incredible dance moves, but I think the opportunity for creating their own multi-colored pixi stick was more likely the reason. However, my dancing came in handy later as I taught a young girl the Cha Cha Slide.  This was my first interaction with a wish child, and it topped everything I have done in Florida so far.  These kids are so inspiring.  They have so much to be angry about, yet a simple line dance brings out the largest smiles.  They force me to reevaluate my personality, attitude, and blessings.  I have so much to be thankful for that I often take for granted, such as my health.  I don’t think I will ever understand why innocent children should experience the hardships of disease, but I’m certain that the never-ending support that volunteers like us offer will give hope.  I feel like I’m accomplishing my goal of traveling to Give Kids the World; I’m making a difference in the lives of these children!

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